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Guide to Jobs on Campus

Sept 5, 2023

Compiled by S. Lamontagne, Updated by Hosaena Tilahun & Connor Schafer

INTERVIEW: DSA's Internationalist Experiment: News Articles

This is intended to serve as a non-comprehensive guide to the variety of jobs available on campus. There are a variety of positions available no matter what type of job you’re looking for. These aren’t by any means the only jobs available, just some of the main ones. Thank you to all the student workers who took the time to talk to me about their jobs!


Note: All jobs noted as “Unionized” are currently represented by the Student Worker Collective at Dartmouth. These workplaces are actively undergoing contract negotiation for higher wages and other benefits. Based on years of collective bargaining with the school, SWCD influenced Dartmouth to raise the hourly minimum wage for Dartmouth non-union student employees to $16.25. If you are interested in getting involved with the organizing process. Contact the SWCD at or find their website here. All campus jobs are accessed and applied for online through Jobnet. This is where hours are recorded too!


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Tour Guide

  • As a tour guide, you'll interact with prospective students and their families and introduce them to Dartmouth.

  • Hours: Flexible. You'll usually be assigned a few tours a week (60-90 minutes each) at set times, and there's a system in place for finding a substitute for your tour if need be.

  • Pay: $16.25/hour. As you become more experienced and/or give tours more frequently, your hourly pay is raised.

  • Applying: Written application and interview process. Admissions will send a listserv email inviting current freshmen and sophomores to apply sometime during the winter term.

  • Note: Your job is to "sell" Dartmouth to prospective students, so if this is something you're interested in, it's important to be prepared to grapple with what you say to students and how it plays a role in bringing them into an institution that is ultimately exploitative and built on violence.

Dartmouth Dining Services (DDS): Novack Cafe (Unionized)

  • Working at Novack will primarily be a barista job, alongside other tasks such as stocking snacks and supplies, running the register, etc.

  • Hours: Mostly Flexible. Shifts are picked based on seniority; they run throughout the day in 2-hour blocks (8 AM to 12 AM). For the most part, you will be able to pick when you want to work based on what works best for your schedule.

  • Pay: $21/hour. You receive a $0.55 raise for every term that you work, and those who are promoted to manager or supervisor positions receive additional raises.

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet and/or email Dartmouth Dining Services.

  • Note: These jobs often fill up quickly; apply early and be persistent. DDS student workers are also paid 1.5 times the base rate for each hour worked during Homecoming, Winter Carnival, or Green Key weekends and schedules finals period (as is the case with all DDS jobs)!

DDS: Ramekin (Unionized)

  • Primarily a barista job, alongside running the register, opening/closing tasks if your shift occurs at that time, etc.

  • Hours: Flexible. Minimum of 6 hours a week, but many people work more. 

  • Pay: $21/hour. You receive a $0.50 raise for every term that you work, and those who are promoted to manager or supervisor positions receive additional raises.

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet and/or email Dartmouth Dining Services.

  • Note: Make sure you're prepared to deal with customers who may be nitpicky or impatient. (Applies to any jobs involving customer service.)

DDS: '53 Commons (Unionized)

  • A number of jobs are available at '53 Commons; tasks may include baking, scanning IDs, dishwashing, cleaning surfaces, and/or serving food.

  • Hours: Flexible. You will be able to request the number of hours you want to work and at what times; your supervisor will then make your schedule.

  • Pay: $21/hour. You receive a $0.50 raise for every term that you work, and those who are promoted to manager or supervisor positions receive additional raises.

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet and/or email Dartmouth Dining Services.

  • Note: The dishwashing job is not recommended, although it does pay more than the others.

DDS: Collis Cafe (Unionized)

  • Most Collis Cafe workers help run a specific food station (smoothie station, stir fry station, etc.). A variety of positions are available, but you will generally be employed at one specific station.

  • Hours: Flexible. Morning and afternoon shifts are available; you'll be able to design your work schedule around your class schedule.

  • Pay: $21/hour. You receive a $0.50 raise for every term that you work, and those who are promoted to manager or supervisor positions receive additional raises.

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet and/or email Dartmouth Dining Services.

  • Note: You get some free food (and extra $5 DBA credit if you work enough hours, as is the case with all DDS jobs)!

DDS: Snack Bar (Unionized)

  • Snack bar employees are primarily responsible for scanning and checking out items, restocking, and upkeep (especially for opening and closing shifts).

  • Hours: Less Flexible. Hours are determined based on seniority and are handled by the manager/supervisor of each respective snack bar.

  • Pay: $21/hour. You receive a $0.50 raise for every term that you work, and those who are promoted to manager or supervisor positions receive additional raises.

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet and/or email Dartmouth Dining Services.

  • Note: Overall a very manageable job.

The Cube

  • Employees at the Cube are responsible for checking people in, upkeep, supervision, and planning events.

  • Hours: 2-3 shifts a week; 3-4 hours each.

  • Pay: $21/hour. You receive a raise after a year and/or becoming a student manager.

  • Applying: Reach out to the Allen House professor or the Cube's administrative assistant (who is often working at the Cube earlier in the morning).

  • Note: Overall not too strenuous, recommended as a good introduction to working part-time in college. Could complement a second or third job.

The Dartmouth Radical

The Library

  • Your primary responsibilities will include sitting at a variety of desks throughout the library, checking out materials, giving directions, and more.

  • Hours: Flexible. You can almost always find another worker to cover your shift if need be.

  • Pay: $16.25/hour for regular desks, ~$18.50/hour for circulation desks and late hours; pay increases incrementally the longer you stay.

  • Applying: Reach out to Access Services, or ask for the student supervisor's business card at the circulation desk.

  • Note: You'll often be able to do homework during your shift, which is a nice upside


  • Research positions are generally available in any subject area you might be interested in; your responsibilities will vary depending on the topic of the research and the professor with whom you are working.

  • Hours: Very flexible. Many research assistants are able to just do their work whenever they have free time; generally 5-10 hours a week but can vary by project.

  • Pay: Depends on the department and professor.

  • Applying: Email the professor(s) you're interested in doing research with (or look into the WISP program!). There is also a small number of research positions on Jobnet paid hourly.

  • Note: Show interest in your professor's work, and read some of their papers beforehand. Don't underestimate yourself—if you're interested in the topic, then you're probably qualified to be involved in the research in some way or another, and it can never hurt to ask!

Hinman Post Office

  • Hinman employees' main tasks are sorting mail envelopes and packages, as well as distributing packages to students.

  • Hours: Flexible. Fall between 8:30 AM and 4 PM Monday through Friday.

  • Pay: $16.25/hour, no opportunity for a raise.

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet and email the supervisor.

  • Note: Slower work environment. Show interest in the hiring process, and make sure you have close-toed shoes.

Drill Instructor

  • As a drill instructor, you'll lead students through practice exercises for the language class(es) they're taking about three times a week.

  • Hours: Set. Three 50 minute drill sessions per week and three prep hours (six hours total per week), typically at a set time Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the term. Italian only two days a week.

  • Pay: $16.25/hour. Your pay may rise depending on how long you've been a drill instructor.

  • Applying: Attend drill instructor workshops at the start of the term, then try out to be a drill instructor in your preferred language.

  • Note: Not too much of a commitment, especially if you're a native speaker of the language you're a drill instructor for. Don't be afraid to ask questions of the professor to better understand the activities you'll be leading, and make sure you have notes on each student as the professor may ask you to assign grades to each student at the end of the term.


  • There are opportunities to serve as a peer tutor across a variety of subjects, including math, economics, writing (RWIT), and more.

  • Hours: Slightly less flexible. Typically evening shifts, up to 3 shifts per week (4.5 hours).

  • Pay: Varies by subject.

  • Applying: Check this link around the beginning of the term. (Note: RWIT has a separate application process from other tutoring jobs.)

  • Note: Nice as a side gig (especially if you like the subject), but not a main job if you really need the money—limited hours and you don't get paid for preparation.

UGA (Undergraduate Advisor)

  • As a UGA, you are responsible for advising and mentoring students in your residence hall/floor, where you will also live.

  • Hours: You are essentially “always” working, because you care for an entire floor of residents. You prepare for student arrival and conduct weekly floor-walks and floor meetings. Account for emotional and physical labor! There are also weekly UGA meetings with your housing advisor..

  • Pay: $2,000 (New UGAs) or $2,100 (Returning) termly stipend in 3 equal payments, and 80 Block Choice meal plan credit. Also a pre-assigned single room.

  • Applying: There’s an established application process- required to attend an info session before application. Apply through Housing Star Portal on DartHub. Recommendation from your current UGA/UGA friend plus short answers. Then, selected for an interview.

  • Note: Training is required and lasts a few days depending on what term you’re on.

Dali Lab

  • Students can be hired as designers, developers, or project managers at the DALI (Digital Arts Leadership and Innovation) Lab. Working in teams with designers and coders, students build prototypes for real-world projects and clients.

  • Hours: Flexible. Split between arranging meeting times with your team and doing work on your own time. From 5-20 hours per week.

  • Pay: $16.25/hour. You can apply to level up to 20/hour (the latter of which also requires mentorship responsibilities).

  • Applying: The application process has a written response application, a design challenge, and a casual interview. Go to; applications for the next term are open until week 6/7 of the current term.

  • Note: Particularly if you're interested in being a designer, taking COSC 25 and/or ENGS 12 will help you learn more about the methods used in the lab. Keep applying even if you don't get the job the first time; many people applied multiple terms in a row before being hired.

Hop Usher/House Manager

  • Scan tickets and assist patrons before the show. During the show, you can either watch the show or stay in the lobby and do homework. House managers oversee the operation.

  • Hours: Flexible. Sign up for whatever shifts you want. 2-15 hours a week

  • Pay: $16.25/hour. Rises to 17.25 if promoted to house manager

  • Applying: Apply on Jobnet.

  • Note: Can be either a low-commitment side-gig or a real money maker depending on what you want.

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